Research! Research! and More Research!
Do you need to improve when it comes to research for writing papers? Did you know there are different research methods? Find out how to...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Brenda Diann Johnson
Brenda Diann Johnson is a native of Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Government, Law & Law Enforcement Magnet High School, obtained her...
The Radio, T.V. and Newspaper Writer
Did you know the writing styles are different when you draft a piece for different media outlets? Do you want to learn the writing...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Brenda Diann Johnson
Brenda Diann Johnson is a native of Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Government, Law & Law Enforcement Magnet High School, obtained her...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Edwyna Rouchelle Washington
Edwyna Rouchelle Washington is a native of Dallas, Texas. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Glenda Fields
Glenda Winbush-Fields is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana where she graduated from Green Oaks High School. She attended Southern...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Wendy Oliveras
Wendy Oliveras is a native of New York, New York. She holds a Masters of Science degree with honors in Human Resources Management and a...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Brenda Diann Johnson
Brenda Diann Johnson is a native of Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Government, Law & Law Enforcement Magnet High School, obtained her...
B. P. Training Institute To Launch Radio Broadcast October 2016
B. P. Training Institute will join the ASWIFTT RADIO family with its weekly broadcast titled “Taking Classes With B. P. Training...
Meet B. P. Training Institute Instructor Brenda Diann Johnson
Brenda Diann Johnson is a native of Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Government, Law & Law Enforcement Magnet High School, obtained her...